Friday, September 10, 2010

Search MBA Student Resumes from Wharton, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and more!

Employer needs and hiring trends for MBAs has returned to levels not seen since before the economic meltdown. Companies had cut back so drastically during the peak of the recession that MBA recruiting took a major hit. Now, at the top graduate business schools, MBA recruiting is at it's highest in three years. This upturn is confirmed by the number of resume databases purchased by leading global employers. In August, 217 companies purchased over 700 MBA resume books from our partner schools. Were you one of those companies? Here are the resume books that are availble to employers now (and there are many more releasing to employers in the coming months):

Resume Databases Available to Search, Print, and Download Now:
These resume books are available to employers now. If you already ordered, check your account on for approvals and updated release dates:
Resume Databases Releasing This Week:
Here are the other resume databases that will be available to employers this week:
To order any of these resume databases, click on the above links. To pre-order resume databases scheduled to release in September or later, please click here: